
Fun Friday and Saturday

So far the weekend has been nice. Yesterday started the day with a pedicure that was long overdue! My feet took a beating with all the running lately. So it was nice to want to wear flip flops again. Although the massage was kind of brutal with my heel pain, but my foot feels pretty good today. After my pedicure I went to the mall with my mom and did some shopping and had lunch at Panera. It was fun. Went to see Up, very cute! Friday night I got a ton of little projects done that I've been wanting to do. Today was pool day, it was a great day for it with as hot as it was! My legs are kinda burned and I had sprayed the SPF 70 pretty good. I had planned to make tomorrow a pool day again, we'll have to see how red I feel when I wake up tomorrow!
P.S. Ok about 30 mins. after I got done typing this I realized that I am some pain and a lot more red than I realized! How long does it take a sunburn to fully develop anyways? So there is no way there is another pool day in my future tomorrow. I swear my bottle of sunscreen must've been expired, I haven't burned like this since Mexico.

My pink toes
Me and Caylea
Caylea and her friend Kim who we took along to the pool and lunch with us.
Caylea and Kim

Clothespin picture holder
Picture clip holder I made for my desk

Frame I altered slightly

Frame after a little altering
Mini clipboard

Mini clipboard
Clipboard I decorated

Photo cube I made for my desk at work....gotta put some pics on it yet.

My photo block before altering


Ah...the irony

Let me start by saying "Holy Ouch!" I apparently have a condition known as plantar fasciitis. At least that is what I have self-diagnosed myself with. And others at work are agreeing with me. Who knew the arch and heel of your foot could hurt THAT bad? Apparently wearing the wrong shoes, like my red and purple high heels, isn't the best thing for your feet. Neither is running in my old Nike's because they are in the trunk of my car and I don't want to go home and get my good shoes before running after work. I think I need to splurge on another good pair of running shoes to keep in my car. My Brooks shoes are so comfy and they are really the first pair of shoes I've ever bought without even considering if they were cute or not.
So I'm thinking of the irony of this situation....

1. I am turning 30 in a few days. Welcome to getting older Shyla.

2. I can't go run because I can barely walk. And just when I am starting to run longer distances I really don't want to take a step back.

3. Running is my stress relief. And I think you'll agree with me that I need all the stress relief I can get right now!

So, this little situation reiterates my lesson learned #1 in the prior post, a good pair of running shoes is worth every penny.



So next week I turn 30, scary. But I've learned a lot of things in my 20's.

30 things I have learned before turning 30

1. A good pair of running shoes is worth every penny.
2. Life doesn’t go according to plan.
3. It’s not worth the time or effort worrying about what other people think. And so liberating to let that go.
4. It’s important to make time for yourself.
5. Good friends are a gift.
6. I can accomplish much more than I ever thought I could.
7. It’s ok to cry yourself to sleep at night and wake up totally over it.
8. A vacation does wonders.
9. It’s ok to sometimes be the taker and not the giver all of the time.
10. People deserve a second chance. But not a third.
11. Two people can look at the same thing and see something totally different.
12. Trust your gut.
13. It is possible to keep going even when you think you can’t.
14. Don’t let life pass you by while you make your life plans.
15. Sometimes you get hit with something completely unexpected.
16. Carry yourself with confidence even when you don’t feel it.
17. You can learn a lot by listening to other people’s perspectives.
18. Take on a challenge you never thought you would tackle.
19. There really are two sides to every story, don’t judge others based on what you think you know.
20. Some of the best things in life are very simple.
21. It’s ok to choose to do something fun over cleaning the house.
22. Don’t spend too much time worrying. The problems that come along are never those you expected.
23. You have to step outside of your comfort zone to grow.
24. Don’t apologize for something that you had no control over.
25. Nobody is responsible for your happiness except you.
26. Spend time with people who make you feel good.
27. Your child teaches you the meaning of loving unconditionally.
28. Make your home a sanctuary.
29. It’s sometimes a lot of fun to be spontaneous.
30. You are not old until regrets take the place of dreams.



I found this on a blog I read and it really sums up how I am lately and I can relate to the person who wrote it. Applies especially today. I've edited it slightly.

Far away from everything today. today is a tough day...maybe someday I will get into it. but that is a story for another time.
If I feel distant lately, it is because I am
if I seem like I forget a lot of stuff, it is because I do
if I say I am going to do stuff, but don't...it is not on purpose
no energy
no ambition
too many tears
too many emotions feeling the need to spill out at the same time.
wish I didn't think about the reality of the situation but it is there, waiting for me with open arms.
thank you for all the care
thank you for being patient with me
thank you for just listening (reading)


Working all weekend

Unfortunately my girl's weekend with Missy and Laura had to be rescheduled this past weekend. It worked out ok because on Friday I was asked to go on Cat duty up in Kirksville for the tornado that hit. So headed up Saturday morning and had a 14 hour day, then have been in the office most of today writing up estimates. The damage was unreal to see up close. Tornados do funny things, like destroy a garage but leave all the tools hanging untouched.

I was driving through the country and saw random pieces of buildings laying out in the middle of nowhere. It was an overwhelming feeling to see all the damage up close.



So I survived my first 5K! My official time was 29:07. I was 14th out of 47 people in my age group (25-29)....overall out of 259 people I was 136th. I was very happy with my results, I knew I wanted under 30 mins, was hoping for 28ish mins but will take my final time.

My official name for today "1067" Julie got a picture of us so when she sends it to me I will post it. So after months of getting prepared for this race (ok 2 1/2 months) here were the events of the day and thoughts going through my head.

1. Pin my number on my shirt thinking "It's gonna feel weird to run with a piece of paper attached to my chest. Trained to run uphills, down hills, in the cold, in the heat, with my iPod, without my iPod...didn't train to run with a piece of paper on my chest."
2. Tie my tag onto my shoe so it clocks my official time. "I'm tying this sucker on as tight as I can because if it falls off I will be not happy when my official time comes up as 5 hours."
3. Get to the race, look at the first couple blocks where it starts "Damn it's uphill right away."
4. Freezing cold in shorts and t-shirt. Stand there in the sun for an hour waiting for race to start. Look around at all the people. "That guy is wearing a kilt and a shirt that says 'Real men knit.' That's weird and I am freaking cold."
5. Continue people watching, see a girl doing some major stretching "That girl looks like she can run, got on the official running pants and can touch her toes and the guys next to her at the same time while doing the splits."
6. Somehow we are in the front of the crowd to start the race. "I better move my ass because I have a stampede of runners right on my tail."
7. As Jason Naeger flys by me he says "You're going at a pretty good clip just so you know." I'm thinking "Heck yes I am because I'm afraid of getting trampled by the stampede behind me including a guy in a kilt"
8. Watching traffic have to sit still as this mass of 400 people run in the street "Bet you are pissed right now, ha ha. "
9. Feeling good with my pace, watching the people on the side handing out water to the runner's, "Not gonna do anything that will slow me down like grab a cup of water and hydrate my dry throat"
10. Kid directing runners around 1 mile mark saying "Hi" to everyone "Cute kid but I can't talk right now because that would require extra breath that I don't have and my throat is dry."
11. "Sweet, I am passing chicks that look like they are in way better shape than I am, and I'm passing them going uphill!"
12. Hear a girl running with her friend giving her a pep talk about how they have ran harder courses than this and she could do it, hung around them for a bit so I could piggy back on that pep talk.
13. See a group of runners going in the other direction doing a longer race "Bet you are wishing you did the 5k, watch out for that hill you are about to hit!"
14. "Just passed toe touching girl!"
15. "Damn, another hill."
16. "Damn, when did it become so hot?"
17. "Is my tag still on my shoe?"
18. "Ok I must be about halfway done, not doing too bad. Holy crap, the finish line is right around the corner!" It was like that great feeling you get when you wake up thinking it's time to get up and you still have 1 more hour to sleep.
19. Sprint to the finish "Yes I will take that water and I would say thank you but I can't talk."
20. "That wasn't too bad, I could probably tackle a 10k." Then I think about the people who are running that same loop I just ran all over again. "Maybe just a few more 5ks."
21. The run went by SO fast it was almost unreal. Definitely motivating being surrounded by other people. I can't believe I actually prefer to run without my iPod, I feel like I do much better without it.

Ah my favorite purchase I made in Springfield...fell in love with them for three reasons:
1. Purple, don't own purple heels yet
2. They are Jessica Simpson brand, love her!
3. They were only $30! Steal!
While taking my purple shoe pic randomly took a pic of the rest of my shoes...I am counting approx 26 pairs. And I had just got rid of quite a few. My next ones need to be hot pink high heels.
Happy mother's day to everyone!


RVA Craft Weekend

The Red Velvet Art craft weekend was a blast! Julie and I had a ton of fun and met some really awesome women. Here are a few pics...I have many more to share.

Leigh-Ann painting my face with a pretty shamrock.

Me and Julie

Julie, Elsie, and me

My self-portrait I drew during one of the classes.

Picture holders I made for my desk.

Rachel and me. Rachel is super sweet and awesome.

Elsie and me, she is so adorable and fun! I was SO excited to finally meet her.

We totally had a fun time making use of the awesome brick wall in the firehouse for some fun photos.

The awesome old firehouse we were in, beautiful building and architectural details