
Sunday Quotes

More quotes I love found on this blog.

This weekend:
-cleaned out my desk at work, finally feel better organized
-watched Sex and the City movie, never seen an episode of the show but really liked the movie, put the seasons on my netflix list
-relaxed at the pool, can now feel the areas I missed with the sunscreen. The irony is I made sure to really hit the places I burned last week...and somehow managed to miss new areas
-Ran on the trail which feels ten degrees cooler than elsewhere
-Ran the longest distance I've ever run at one time, about 5.5 miles. However there was walking during the last couple miles and I think I only made it because I carried a water bottle.
-drank Gatorade for the first time in my life. Fruit punch = yummy. Why have I never had this before?
-also yummy is Black Cherry Dasani, Grape Aquafina, and Raspberry Aquafina.
-find it funny that all I crave is beverages right now in this heat and not food. Today I drank a Lime Dasani water, sweet tea from McAlisters, fruit punch Gatorade, and chocolate milk.
-Made a special trip to the gas station that has Grape Aquafina and bought 2, but was too full of sweet tea to drink it.
-had a new appreciation for the air conditioning in the house
-sorta freaked out thinking I had a bee in the house....I think it was more of just a large ladybug. It was hard to tell after I smashed it. Lucky for me it was between the window and the blinds, I am sure it would have been hilarious to watch me attack this thing. I thought "I got one shot to kill this thing or it is gonna come buzzing after my ass." I must've looked like the girls did when they were playing Double Dutch jump rope, trying to get it at just the right time.
-sorta freaked out in the backyard taking Jazz out, I swear this bird was coming for me. It was hovering around and I looked up at it and it just started flying lower and lower right towards me. Jazzie thought it was great and was hoping to play with the damn thing. I however thought for sure that I was seriously going to get attacked by this bird. Because that would just be my luck right now.
-realized that spending time in front of my laptop at home makes me feel like I didn't really have a break from work. So on that note time to turn the laptop off...goodnight!



saw The Proposal and laughed my butt off. Sandra Bullock singing a Yin Yang Twins song, all I'm saying. Oh, and Ryan Reynolds.
discovered running in high humidity and 90 degree temps really sucks
enjoyed some alone time
watched a marathon of The Office Season 2
did a lot of laundry
have become addicted to very random journaling
realized I tend to cuss a lot when running
ran through the spray grounds after my run
tried a brownie batter blizzard instead of my usual m&m
been burning a pomegranite candle that smells great
could not stop eating mesquite barbeque Lays Stax chips
cleaned up the scrapbook room and feeling ready to start a new project
enjoyed standing outside in the rain
been confused
saw things clearly
confused again
hope it all makes sense someday
appreciating the little things
felt the need to organize everything starting with the pantry
people watched at the pool
kicked myself for not bringing a beverage to the pool
can't get enough sweet tea
trying to remember what's important
loving my Michael Scott bobblehead on my desk
feel asleep at 9pm on a Saturday
sent more texts in a month than Caylea, weird



I found this quote posted on this blog that I read all the time...I love it.



So this weekend finally got the front flower area in much better shape. Still need to buy another bag of mulch or two but I am digging it. (ha ha no pun intended) Kind of hard to see details but you get the general idea. Went with red mulch and I think it looks great.

I will take some better pictures.
On my birthday we went to the Botanical Gardens in St. Louis. It was a major pain to get around the city with 40 shutdown. The gardens were pretty and oh yeah, PF Changs. Enough said.

I love this picture

I love this picture of Caylea

Hope you all have a great week! I'm heading to Bloomington this weekend, can't wait! Hope to see many of you there!