
Pulling out my (dark) hair

Many of you know I'm in the process of refinancing the house...and it is causing me some stress. Things started out great, was going to be $100 out of pocket closing cost. That was just too good to be true. And just when I think the bad news can't get any worse I get an email today at 4:30 that proves the universe is playing a cruel joke on me. Coming up with a few thousand dollars wasn't enough, let's just throw a few more thousand on top of that we forgot to mention. Really? I won't get into details but the good news is I can keep the house, I just won't be refinancing. The whole process has made me want to scream. Thank goodness I just got some new migraine medicine! The most frustrating part for me was how much I was looking forward to feeling like I don't need to work as much overtime because I'm finally one step ahead of the game. Oh well it could be worse I know. I got my hair darker again (the pic below is not of the new color) I'm waiting until my eyebrows heal before posting a picture. That is a whole different story in itself.

More of my coupon madness. The lady at Wal-Mart told me my total before coupons was $57, then she took my stack and told me my new total, $32. She did a little double take and just kind of looked at me and then told me that was incredible. The only item I bought that I didn't have a coupon for was the ziploc bags, but I was sending that part in for a rebate. Even had a coupon for the magazine. :) And all of it was items I needed/buy anyways. Can I just say those Yoplait smoothies are delicious! When I look at the picture it doesn't look like much for $57 anyways, but the 2 face washes were $11 total, after my coupons I only paid $1 for both. Yay! :) It's the little things that excite me anymore.

Roses my mom bought for me and Caylea...I've never seen any like these before, not sure quite how they got them these colors.
And speaking of roses, I think it's funny that every season of the Bachelor is the "most dramatic season finale" or the "most shocking." I just got done watching the Women Tell All. My bet is on Ali for the next Bachelorette. I hope it's not Gia but that's who Caylea's betting on. They have to pay these women for some of these story lines, like the whole Rosalyn deal, would you really go on TV after that craziness? They should hand out roses that are all tie-dyed looking like these to add some spunk to the show. Especially if he chooses Vienna, she doesn't seem like the classy red rose type.


Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! Caylea and I are going to OG tomorrow night for our V-day dinner. No way am I going anywhere tonight!
Saw this movie today with some friends from work. It was awesome!!

Still having fun getting good deals. Like $3.35 for this

And about $3.70 for all these. I won't keep going because it is probably getting annoying but I am getting excited with all my bargain hunting. :)


Fun (cheap!) stuff

My latest form of entertaining myself is seeing just how much I can get at the store for as little money as possible. I invested in a $30 printer so I could print coupons at home. I've also been signing up for free samples out the wazoo. Today my free sample waiting in the mail....
3 Atkins protein bars and a carb counter book
Yesterday I went to Wal-greens and got these 3 bottles of shampoo/conditioner and a strawberry kiwi Vita-chapstick thing (which I was surprised I really liked compared to chapstick). My cost after coupons was $10.72 but then I got back $7 in register rewards, so my true total was $3.
And probably my favorite find so far...from Wal-Mart I scored 6 Kotex and a deodorant for, wait for it....$1.05. I was pretty pumped up about this one. With 2 girls in the house I might as well stock up when I can. I'm planning a trip to the grocery store tomorrow where I plan to get some pretty good deals and spend less than $10. This is fun! I feel a possible addiction coming on.


House Arrest

Came back from Bloomington with a very sore throat! It was fun to see everyone and I wish I could've seen more friends. I will let you all know when the next trip is planned!

So I bought my new running watch which I have been referring to as my HA bracelet. As in house arrest. Because it is ridiculously huge! I think a guy could pull it off more than I can. But it is cool that I can start running new routes and it will keep my mileage for me. I normally stick to the same routes because I know exactly how far it is. So this will hopefully help get me in some new territory. I have to get back into a routine. I feel like I've kind of been wandering around without having a regular routine.
Caylea is never without her eyeliner anymore.
My new house arrest bracelet, er, I mean, running watch.

I found Magnus leaning on my bench where I store my sweaters....which I thought was weird...

And then realized he was stealing Jazzie's bone from her. Note it hanging out of the side of his mouth and Jazz pitching her howling fit because she is ticked off that he snatched it.
Found this write up on one of the regular blogs I follow and thought it was really good...
"I walked on hot coals once - barefoot. Across a bed of white hot embers about twenty feet long. When you walk off the fiery path you step into a puddle of water and you can hear your feet sizzle and see steam rise. And lo', thanks to mind over matter, I didn't even blister. Hot damn.
I raced home at midnight, under a full moon, with a note card tucked into my Levi's: "I, Veronica Danielle LaPorte walked on fire. I can do anything."
Would I do it again? Ummm....I....dunno. The evening of that fire walk workshop I asked some of the repeat walkers how it was for them. I was surprised to hear that a lot of them burned their feet on their second walk. "Say whu?! But you already slammed these coals once." The prevailing response: "Yeah, but I got cocky the second time around." Every walk requires a fresh meditation.
Ask any athlete or elite performer. Writers, salesmen, speakers, very big project managers, wide-awake lovers: Success can dull your senses. Each win is a new win, earned with intense focus and an open heart.
Do not take your expertise or natural talent for granted. Stay awake. Hunt. Kill your old material. Listen for new information. Tell a different story in a different way. Crush your gimmicks. Let the page be white. Kiss him like it's your first kiss.
Let your heart race and concentrate. Then and only then, begin."