More of my coupon madness. The lady at Wal-Mart told me my total before coupons was $57, then she took my stack and told me my new total, $32. She did a little double take and just kind of looked at me and then told me that was incredible. The only item I bought that I didn't have a coupon for was the ziploc bags, but I was sending that part in for a rebate. Even had a coupon for the magazine. :) And all of it was items I needed/buy anyways. Can I just say those Yoplait smoothies are delicious! When I look at the picture it doesn't look like much for $57 anyways, but the 2 face washes were $11 total, after my coupons I only paid $1 for both. Yay! :) It's the little things that excite me anymore.
Roses my mom bought for me and Caylea...I've never seen any like these before, not sure quite how they got them these colors.
And speaking of roses, I think it's funny that every season of the Bachelor is the "most dramatic season finale" or the "most shocking." I just got done watching the Women Tell All. My bet is on Ali for the next Bachelorette. I hope it's not Gia but that's who Caylea's betting on. They have to pay these women for some of these story lines, like the whole Rosalyn deal, would you really go on TV after that craziness? They should hand out roses that are all tie-dyed looking like these to add some spunk to the show. Especially if he chooses Vienna, she doesn't seem like the classy red rose type.