
May is about over!

I am still figuring out this iPad and adding pics is something I can't quite figure out yet. Lisa, Jona, & I had a nice weekend in St. Louis. Complete with a guy coming over and placing his nose on Lisa's shoulder forseveral awkward moments. Never a dull moment! This week I am working two days then off for my bday and trip to Colorado with Michelle and Danielle for Sarah's wedding! As I turn another year older I want way less drama in my life. I am too old for it! I am worn out from drama!


Happy puppy birthday

 This week was the pups birthdays.  Here they are scoping out their birthday toys on the counter.  They each got a toy that matched their new food mats and bowls. 

And they also got an iPad 2.  Wait, that was for me.  I'm kinda addicted to it.  Specifically addicted to the Words and Scramble with Friends games. As a few of you who I spent playing virtual games with all weekend are well aware.  :)  Looking forward to a 4 day work week then a 4 day weekend!  Heading to St. Louis this weekend to see Jona and Lisa, can't wait! 


Letting Go

 Lately I've been thinking a lot about how to let go and all these sayings I've found sum it up pretty well.  I can't make someone care, I can't change someone, I can't control situations, I need to be supportive, and I have to remember that people are human, they make mistakes, and unfortunately people change and I can't control that. And unfortunately, sometimes as people change other people get hurt.  Heck I changed.  I know someone that had a hard time letting go of me and nothing he did could change the fact that I changed.  And the only one who suffered by not letting me go is him.  So when I look it from that perspective, I do not want to be the one suffering. When I see him so miserable all I think about is how glad I am not to have to be around that.  So why should I be miserable and have people think it would be bad to be around me?  Besides my person I am missing is the one missing out and the best revenge is for me to be happy.  I feel sorry for him not to have me in his life, because I am awesome. 
 Life isn't always an easy ride but how much I suffer is up to me.  Sure I can be angry and sad and I'll have my moments but why be miserable.  It is no fun and it certainly isn't going to change anything. 

 Giving someone so much control over my emotions is giving someone power over me and nobody should ever have that much power over me.  So I'm taking my power back.

 Brilliant advice. 
 This is true, life is life and how I react is up to me.  
Holding on is too exhausting I'm telling ya!


My Monday Thoughts

Facebook needs a message that says "are you sure you want to send this friend request or are you really just facebook stalking this really cute guy?" for instances such as tonight when I had a momentary moment of panic that I sent a friend request to the cute guy I was totally FB stalking.  That would've been awkward.

On another note my laptop is annoying me and I'd like to just rip it in two and throw it across the room or better yet smash it on the patio.  It is that annoying. 

I made it to the gym for Body Pump for the first time in quite awhile.  Tomorrow will probably hurt.  I should probably start taking Aleve now actually.

And to top off the day my kid locked my mother out of my house.  My mom drops Caylea off after school every day and comes in to let the dogs out.  I had my teenage attitude moments but even I knew better than to lock my mother out of the house.  Caylea apparently "had a headache" and was in a bad mood and decided to just lock the garage door behind her before my mom could come in.  Caylea learned that was a real bad move when she now has no ride home from school tomorrow.  It's not a long walk but she is the epitome of lazy, so she is negotiating rides from a friend and her friend's dad.  Sorry no sympathy for you on this one kid, do not lock nana out of the house and do not apologize via text.  I knew there was drama when I got a text from Caylea "nana isn't picking me up tomorrow" at the same time I got a voicemail from my mom.  We haven't had major attitude moments lately so I guess this was overdue but she heard it from me all night on this one.  She won't be doing that again. 

So that was how this Monday went today.  Hopefully Tuesday is a tad less exciting.


Two girls in Vegas-a short story

Two girls in Vegas!
 Winning no money...
 But went for a run on the strip!
 Then went for a BIG breakfast!
 Where the plates were bigger than we were
 Explored the beautiful lobby of the Cosmopolitan hotel
 And watched the lovely Jon in concert
 Had lovely weather each day
 Stayed at the Luxor near Mandalay Bay
A few things happened in between but you get the basic plot.  Good times!!!