
So...Sorry bout those pics...

Some of you were blessed with pictures of my boobs after surgery. Here is what I have realized happened during the past three days while I have been heavily drugged. - I watched two episodes of True Blood that I had been anxiously awaiting from Netflix. I had to watch them again today because I have no memory of what happened in the episodes when I watched them Friday. - I texted a lot with really bad spelling. I had to go back today and re-read what my texts were because again, couldn't recall. Hence finding pictures of boobs that I sent to a few of you! Thank goodness I didn't send boob pics to my boss! - I managed to not send emotional texts to the people I didn't want to send emotional texts to. Didn't send any to that person actually and I am quite proud of myself. - after checking my email I found a shipping confirmation from Old Navy. So I apparently drugged shopped online. I have zero recollection of doing this but I now have 5 pairs of flip flops on the way. Yes, I guess I thought I needed 5 new pairs of flip flops. I also got a shirt and a hoodie. Seriously? I was worried about texting, didn't think shopping would be an issue. I have no idea when I woke up and thought "time to get on old navy.com!". Random. - I think I talked to a few people on the phone but really am not sure. - I had some crazy, wacky dreams. - so grateful I have not had the emotional breakdown that is common on day 3 post surgery! Maybe it is because I had an emotional breakdown everyday of the week leading up to the surgery. I am sure I will still have one soon. So today I was hoping to avoid taking any more pain pills and woke up feeling pretty good. I can't do a serious workout for a few weeks but I can walk so I went to the park and walked three miles. Felt great to get off the couch but I ended up taking another pain pill after that because I got a bit sore. I felt funny but I had to keep looking down my shirt to see if I was bleeding, I didn't want to over do it. so I am sure that looked great to anyone who noticed. I also feel this need to hold them in place, like they are just going to fall back down any second. The swelling is going down a bit down which is kind of a bummer because with the swelling it really looked like I already had implants. I guess it gave me a good idea of what I would look like with implants though. So sorry for any bad spelling or weird texts, oh and the half naked ones! Oh and I just had to read my last two blog posts because I don't really recall writing those either! These drugs are no joke. I better go check my email to make sure I didn't buy anything else!

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