
A week in the life

Wow, I have been terrible at updating this blog lately!  By the time I get home I am ready to crash.  I have been hitting the gym and running hard.  First let me start off with this....this is the time of year I really hate traffic and going to Wal-mart due to the college kids flocking back. BUT the new and improved scenery at the lake where I run is a perk.  I am running more with less walk breaks in case Hottie McHottness comes around the corner.  With my schedule like it is I have even had to start cleaning my house in the morning in bits and pieces because that is the only time I have enough energy.  (If you can see the pic below, which I am not even sure it will show up, it was supposed to be a before and after shot but it is only showing the after. So there is your standard "here's my bicep" shot)

Here is my typical routine:

Monday-gym 10 min. elliptical warm up, legs, Body Pump 5:30-6:30. Run home, quick shower & head to trivia night to meet team by 7:30.
Tuesday-gym 10 min. elliptical warm up, biceps & triceps.  Stephens Lake run 3-5 miles
Wednesday-gym 10 min. elliptical warm up, back & shoulders. Stephens Lake run 3-5 miles
Thursday-gym 10 min. elliptical warm up, chest & abs (sometimes legs again instead b/c I love legs, hate chest) Stephens 3 miles
Friday-rest day guilt free
Saturday-Body Pump 9:00 am. If energized after Stephens for 2 miles sprint intervals.
Sunday-sleep in, hopefully not too late. long run day. Followed up by plopping on couch and watching Breaking Bad marathon or Dexter, my 2 latest discoveries.

Sometimes I will throw in one more rest day in there if something comes up. If so I usually cut out chest & abs.  I get grouchy if something messes up my routine by more than 1 day though. I love the structure of it, knowing exactly what i am doing everyday. I love packing my gym clothes every night. So far my longest run has been 8 miles.  I feel like I have the cardio endurance down. Now it is just convincing myself my legs aren't really that tired.  In this new routine Caylea jas discovered she loves baked potatoes, bonus. Easy to microwave & I feel like I am "cooking" her something.

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