Saturday-worked, had a draining meeting, had a good talk with Caylea, laid on bed for 2 hours staring at the ceiling. Spent a few hours working on the below project. Caylea did some scrapbooking of her own and made some really cute pages.
Sunday-slept in till 9. Went for a run that wasn't so great. How can it be that hot at 10am? Running another 5k next weekend and hoping it goes better than the past few days of runs have felt. Was grateful when it started raining so I had an excuse not to mow. Thought about going to Wal-Mart but didn't. Thought about going to a movie but didn't. Watched Coyote Ugly. Finished the below project. I don't have many scrapbooks of Caylea during her younger years so I had fun putting this together. A very lazy Sunday was great.
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