So then I settled in and caught up on a few shows I had dvr'd, Grey's mainly. Saturday I got up, went and ran then came home and did some laundry. Proceeded to spend the entire rest of the day catching up on all my other dvr'd shows. Anybody watch FlashForward? I thought it was pretty good. Decided to order Crank 2 on demand. Yep, just as terrible as the first one. But I watch anything with Jason Statham in it. Finished the first season of True Blood from Netflix and the 5th season of Sex and the City. So basically I sat in front of the TV from 11am until midnight. It was great. I did manage to get all the laundry done in there as well. Tried to get Jazz into her new costume, she was having none of it. It's a banana and if I can get her to hold still long enough to get it on I'll take pictures.
Today went to Target this morning looking for a shoe rack. Stopped by the trail on my way home to get a quick run in. Felt good because I ran the whole time but felt like I was crawling. My right calf is constantly tight. I gotta get better at stretching. Came home and found Caylea crashed (see above) and went and mowed, and broke out the weedeater which I hadn't done in a few weeks. The yard looks so much better now and glad I just did it instead of procrastinating all week. Organized the tupperware cabinet, under the sink cabinet, put together a shoe rack (for the new shoes) and made Caylea's night by ordering pizza then sitting down to watch the dvr'd episodes of America's Next Top Model. I realized I have dvr'd a lot of shows!