It is rare I let someone get to me during a phone call. Even on calls where someone starts off yelling and upset I don't worry about it, and usually by the end of the call the person is fine and calm. Yesterday one of my calls started off ok but the guy was not happy when he found out he wasn't getting the payment for his claim he thought he should get. He got to be pretty rude and condescending. While he threw in there "I know it's not your fault" that didn't stop him from taking it out on me. As soon as I got off the call I had to fight back tears. And I thought to myself that guy has no idea that I've already had a week battling depression and even though I couldn't care less what that guy thinks his comments were enough to start my day off on the wrong foot. People don't think about the impact they have on others with what they say, or in some cases what they don't say.
Be a hill seeker

"Most of us try to avoid hills, but what is so good about flat? Think about it: flat tires, flat hair, flat returns and-the ultimate-flatlining. Life happens on the hills. They're opportunities to prove to yourself that you're stronger than you ever imagined. If you never attempt the ascent, you'll never know the thrill of swooshing down the other side."
Updating my inspiration board today and found this in my pile of items I've been collecting to pin to my board. It's fitting. I never liked running hills, and lately I haven't liked facing the hills I've had to face, but it does make you stronger.
Cruel joke
The universe played an April Fool's joke on me today. Day 1 of OGMST and I am hit with a migraine. So much for my morning run. MS consisted of laying around on the couch and bed with a bottle of Advil PM next to me. I did force myself to drive to Sonic for a much needed Sprite, only to manage to knock it off my coffee table halfway through my nap. Ha, funny one universe. At least it was clear soda.
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