Friend "Oh that sounds like fun. Where is she at?"
Me"Uhhh....I don't know. I think it's in my email somewhere."
Me "You ok up there?"
Caylea "There's a spider"
Me "Well kill it!"
Caylea "You kill it!"
Me "Ugh, hold on" (go trekking upstairs)
Caylea "It's in that box"
Me "I'm not going to open that box, you do it"
Caylea "I don't want to, just open it"
Me (poking around in the box) "I don't see it"
Caylea "It was just in there"
Me "Well it's gone. Here is the fly swatter. Good luck, you are on your own." (trek back downstairs)
Caylea "Aaaahhhhh. Got it."
Friday night went to a fun happy hour, did a lot of studying for CPCU this weekend, blah, and almost went to championship midget wrestling but last minute couldn't find anyone to go with. Bummer, that would've been something to check off my bucket list.
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