
Owning it

So let's talk boot camp.  I am halfway through it.  It is a love/hate relationship.  Today I loved every minute.  Today we did upper body, core, our usual mile run, intervals, and suicide runs.  The two other girls always run the mile slightly faster than me but I can rock some planks and push ups.  I loooove doing strength workouts and today focused on strength.  Then when the other two girls took of at a dead sprint during suicide runs I thought "yeah, ok good luck keeping that up for 5 go rounds."  Sure enough I didn't come in last.  We did front planks, reverse planks, and side planks for a minute each.  Nailed it.

Last week was another story.  Last week I may have had an out of body experience after we ran a mile, did an obstacle course for fifteen minutes and then had to run another mile.  That last mile on the treadmill I wasn't sure how I was going to get through it.  Judging by the look of pity a guy on the elliptical gave me I think he also was wondering how I was going to get through it.

And if there are burpees involved then I am cursing life.  I. Hate. Burpees.  I would like to smack whoever decided "hey, let's throw our hands up in the air, jump, then hit the ground, kick our legs back then bounce them back up to our chest then hop back up in the air again! And sometimes add an eight pound medicine ball if you aren't having a hard enough time breathing!" Really burpee creator, was all that really necessary?  What is wrong with good old jumping jacks or mountain climbers?  Well, in boot camp nothing is wrong with them cause we do those too.  The great thing is it changes every time so I never know what to expect.  Which is probably good.  If I knew the torture I was about to endure there are some nights chances are high I would not make it. I actually really enjoy the first mile we run, it gives me a chance to zone out.  I have only gone twice a week for three weeks but it truly is amazing the difference in stamina I can already see. On rare nights, like tonight, I own it and leave saying "is that all you got?"  However, come Wednesday night I am sure I will be hating life for that hour once again.

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