Been studying for my last AIM test lately. Blah. Tomorrow I am going to take my studies to the pool however to make it a little more fun. My test is Monday, a little nervous about it but hopefully I'll pass my last test.

So I was excited to go buy a new pair of running shoes since my old ones have pretty much no more support. So what do I end up with? The EXACT same pair I bought last year. I guess if it's not broke, don't fix it. They work for me. I was just hoping they had my size in the new purple color but no luck. At least they were $10 cheaper than last year. Buying the same pair of shoes twice feels weird.

And here we have my new pretties. Found these babies in Tennessee at a great shoe store. Good thing I only had a carry on or I may have walked out with quite a few more pairs! These match a shirt I have perfectly and are a great new addition to my collection! :)

While I was away my mom went on a frenzy. I came home to find she had gone through a lot of stuff in the garage and stacked boxes to make more room. And the best part....

She spent hours in Caylea's room organizing. It looks amazing.

I had forgotten there was actually a floor in this closet because it had been a long time since I have seen it. Now it's uber organized. My mom spent 9pm to 4am doing her room. I don't know what got into her but I'm grateful for it!!

My trip to TN was a lot of fun! Ate a lot of good food, learned a lot about UFC fighting, had a killer 2 hour workout at the gym, and got to catch up with Dre, Stacy, and Azlyn of course. Oh and Baxter too. You can see Baxter had to sneak in the pics.

Azlyn took a few of the pictures.

She has gotten really big and talks up a storm! And boy does she look like daddy.

Ice cream stop

My flowers are doing decent!

I picked out some random red ones. I didn't really mean to because the other ones are all pink, yellow, or white.

I love my hosta. It is huge.

The daylillies have really gone crazy the past few days and have a dozen or more flowers on them now. They're really pretty. I love it when my flowers grow.

So I come home to find that my mom bought me a birthday cake. It went a little something like this:
Caylea- "Nana bought you a cake"
Me- "Awesome, that was sweet of her"
Caylea-"I told her you liked the whipped icing"
Me-"Really because it says buttercream on the label?"
Caylea-"That's because Nana wanted to get what she likes because she figured her and I would be eating the majority of it."
Good logic mom. :) That plan backfired on her a bit though because this was one of the best cakes I've had that was store bought. I managed to eat quite a few pieces before leaving for TN.
I guess that's all for now...back to studying!
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