Late night out=bad for the training program
Made it back from Springfield Friday and had to work yesterday as my normal Saturday. I had forgotten all about it being a bachelorette party night for a girlfriend at work and was glad when one of the gals at work reminded me yesterday. A night out sounded like just what I needed!
Erin and I at Whiskey Wild, our hang out for the night after dinner at Lone Star.
There was a lot of laughing and a lot of pictures to remind us what we were laughing about. For instance, the bride's idea of a body shot. Notice the bachelor party that parked themselves right next to us. Maybe something to do with the bride having a beer bottle stuck down her shirt? I dunno. Just a thought.
And when she told me "Uh-oh, my lip is numb" I couldn't help but laugh because it reminded me of another friend of mine! ; )
By this point in the night there was a lot of giggling. I'm sure it had something to do with bad jokes about the items the bride had been accessorized with.
There was dancing, lots of it...
There were shots....lots of em
Me and the bride Krista

I truly only had 2 drinks and 2 shots and boy was I done for the day today. I don't know how the bride was still standing because I'm sure the amount of shots she had was double digits. Woke up with a headache and all my grand plans for a good run today and a trip to the gym were "shot." Oh well, it was a great time and a fun night out!
In other news one month from today will be the first full day in Mexico for me and Missy, woohoo! Nice that the weather is finally cooling off, that will make for good running weather. The down side being that when it gets cool all I want to do is cuddle up in a sweatshirt with chai tea. That's the latest update as I continue to recover from last night on the couch. I am getting too old for nights that late...but it was tons of fun!
Big steps....big snake
I'm in Springfield this week doing inspections. Today I had to walk across this field....to inspect a piece of the carport that blew away. I saved the walk for the last part of my inspection, because walking in this long grass was not my idea of a good time, and I was afraid of what I might run into. So carefully I took off with big steps and looking down to see where I was going, most of the time I could see the ground, but not all the time.
Saw what I needed to see and then started the walk back when next thing I notice is....
this huge, ugly, nasty snake! A few choice words came out of my mouth. I high tailed it back to the car after a very loud shriek, and half ran the whole way back.
This was how far I was actually standing from the snake to take a picture, the picture above this one is using zoom, because you know I wasn't taking another step near it! Whew, gives me chills just thinking about it! Just supports how they say you should always listen to your instincts, because mine were screaming at me that I should skip the field portion of the inspection. I don't know what kind of snake that is, but it was one that was way too big for my liking!

No study weekend
Didn't have to study this weekend! Took my test Friday, won't know for awhile how I did but at least it is over.
Saturday morning started with a Body Pump class at the gym. I joined the gym excited for the Body Combat classes like I went to with Missy but have since really taken to Body Pump. An hour at this class kicks my butt. You hit one muscle group for the duration of a song. Squats and Lunges (two different songs) leave me with my legs shaking pretty good!

It's a nice break from running. However, it is a good excuse to not run so I still need to be running more!
Hard to see in the pictures but I finally found some Euro pillows! (Went to JCPenny Julie!)
Also decided it was time for some curtains...I have lived with just the white blinds for a long time, which I've always been fine with. I was laying in bed last night and it just hit me that I wanted some curtains. Found these on sale at Kohl's and they were exactly what I was looking for. They are light blockers and as soon as I hung them up this afternoon it was dark enough in the room to take a nap. I think it was a good decision to buy these! I think I'm going to get some blue ones to put in my scrapbook room.
Also went on a little flower kick today. Was really in the mood to decorate. Michael's had their flowers half off and I found this vase on clearance there for $5. Got a few more I still need to get a vase for. Other than that Saturday I did some major lounging on the couch, watched a serious marathon of NCIS I had dvr'd and The Killers from Netflix. Spent a lot of time today cleaning the house, it was long overdue after neglecting it while studying. I can't believe it's already Sunday night. My old laptop is having major issues, so I have a 13 year old who is not only still phone less but now computer less. I'm sure you can imagine how happy she is right now! Glad I have the netbook, she doesn't understand why I don't let her use it. Somehow the fact that the laptop she uses all the time is missing half the keyboard keys has led me to teach her some new meanings of responsibility. It's a painful month for her.
Saturday morning started with a Body Pump class at the gym. I joined the gym excited for the Body Combat classes like I went to with Missy but have since really taken to Body Pump. An hour at this class kicks my butt. You hit one muscle group for the duration of a song. Squats and Lunges (two different songs) leave me with my legs shaking pretty good!

Weekend studying, running, and shoes
Been doing a lot of studying this weekend for an upcoming insurance ed test, blah. Managed to get a few runs in though. Yesterday's run was tough but today's felt pretty good. Made it 3.5 miles today. Only need to add in about 10 more miles. That's not overwhelming at all. (insert tone of sarcasm here)
Caylea spent the night with a friend for two nights and came home with a good cold. She is still phone less after her phone fell along with her in a swimming pool. Her phone-free attitude is fantastic. (insert sarcastic tone here)
My reading material this weekend. Have I mentioned that this test is not multiple choice? That's great. (insert sarcastic tone here)
I did get in the fall mood this weekend though and brought out some fall candles.
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