Didn't have to study this weekend! Took my test Friday, won't know for awhile how I did but at least it is over.
Saturday morning started with a Body Pump class at the gym. I joined the gym excited for the Body Combat classes like I went to with Missy but have since really taken to Body Pump. An hour at this class kicks my butt. You hit one muscle group for the duration of a song. Squats and Lunges (two different songs) leave me with my legs shaking pretty good!

It's a nice break from running. However, it is a good excuse to not run so I still need to be running more!

Hard to see in the pictures but I finally found some Euro pillows! (Went to JCPenny Julie!)

Also decided it was time for some curtains...I have lived with just the white blinds for a long time, which I've always been fine with. I was laying in bed last night and it just hit me that I wanted some curtains. Found these on sale at Kohl's and they were exactly what I was looking for. They are light blockers and as soon as I hung them up this afternoon it was dark enough in the room to take a nap. I think it was a good decision to buy these! I think I'm going to get some blue ones to put in my scrapbook room.

Also went on a little flower kick today. Was really in the mood to decorate. Michael's had their flowers half off and I found this vase on clearance there for $5. Got a few more I still need to get a vase for. Other than that Saturday I did some major lounging on the couch, watched a serious marathon of NCIS I had dvr'd and The Killers from Netflix. Spent a lot of time today cleaning the house, it was long overdue after neglecting it while studying. I can't believe it's already Sunday night. My old laptop is having major issues, so I have a 13 year old who is not only still phone less but now computer less. I'm sure you can imagine how happy she is right now! Glad I have the netbook, she doesn't understand why I don't let her use it. Somehow the fact that the laptop she uses all the time is missing half the keyboard keys has led me to teach her some new meanings of responsibility. It's a painful month for her.
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