As I was creating this post I realized it is the 100th post on the blog. It hit me that the 100th post should be significant, like 100 things to do before your 100th birthday, or 100 things I love about my friends, you know, something like that. Since nobody wants to read a post that long and since I'm not feeling that creative today I'm going with my planned post of Christmas recap. But don't worry, I've got a significant post planned for the near future!

Friday I got up, shoveled my driveway (which I felt the effects of Saturday morning as soon as I woke up and my back screamed at me) went to get tires, saw The Fighter, ran into Wal-Mart and Marshall's and was pleasantly surprised they weren't busy on Christmas Eve, then came home to start cooking. I cooked for 5 hours. To say my kitchen was a disaster is an understatement.

I was attempting a pot roast in a crock pot this year. Who knew you had to brown the thing first? I thought the point of a crock pot meal was to throw it all in there and go! No it couldn't be that easy. Most of you know how often I cook meat, as in never, so I had a moment where I was afraid I may start a small fire when the oil start sizzling like mad.

But I successfully got the meat browned and the pot roast turned out great on Saturday! I woke up at 6am to the smell of...pot roast. I had the brief thought that it was wrong to be awakened to the smell of a huge chunk of meat and not bacon and eggs.

I had to make strawberry pretzel salad and found the cutest holiday pretzels. I love cute food.

Made some no bake cookies. They are both mine and my mom's favorite.

They were yummy and they are just about gone!

Also made some peanut butter no bake cookies which also turned out good but we were pretty loyal to the classic no there is a ton of these sitting on my counter still.

My mom went crazy this year and apparently I should've put her on a spending limit! My mouth hit the floor when I opened up these Ugg boots. Never did I see that coming! Made me glad I spent more than normal on her this year! She was also thoughtful enough to get me hand warmers to use for running outside to get my rear in gear and get me out there running. I went out Sunday, my first attempt at running on the snowy sidewalks. It wasn't cold enough to use the handwarmers and I managed not to fall and break any bones. I had to really watch where I was going though!

Between me and my mom the dogs made out pretty darn good. The gift basket was from my work end of year appreciation day. It was the basket I picked out with the dogs in mind to save for their Christmas gifts. As you can see it didn't keep me from spending my normal amount on them though!

This holiday dinner toy set was super cute I couldn't pass it up. Magnus went straight for the turkey when we opened it. Jazz had to settle for the potato.

She LOVES her new blanket. My mom and I spent the rest of Christmas catching up on dvr'd Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I mean what says Christmas more than that show right? Saturday night I ordered The Town on demand, it was really good! Ben Affleck can hold me hostage anytime. Sunday night I watched was good but when it was over I thought "What just happened?" I also managed to get a lot done around the house including cleaning out my closet and organizing my scrapbook room. In between was a lot of relaxing on the couch with a dog and a pink blanket next to me. The dog is a comfort pup that's for sure. When I was in my scrapbook room she just looked at me and whined until she had the chance to jump on my lap. I've determined I can't scrapbook unless Caylea is home so Jazz can be on Caylea's lap. Caylea is coming home today and we will be doing our Christmas on New Year's Day since she was in Bloomington. Hope everyone had a good holiday!