2010 is winding down and I got to thinking about the things I had hoped to accomplish this year. I had outlined them in
this post. After reflecting back, I am happy to realize that I met most of my goals!

"Educate myself whenever possible": I started and completed the Associate in Management designation at work and the first part of CPCU. Hoping to pass the 2nd CPCU next week!

"Plan a trip somewhere warm and beachy for later this year or next" -Accomplished this one two-fold! Amazing trip to Mexico with Missy in October and booked a cruise with Jona and Lisa for October, 2011!

"Increase the number of push-ups I can do"-Oh wait, not these type of push ups... :)

Instead of just focusing on push-ups I joined a gym and am officially loving Body Pump. Love the all over strength results. I haven't tested it yet but as a result of Body Pump I would hope I can do more push-ups now. I will have to test myself.

"Make significant strides in running"-Well I have yet to add up my mileage, I'm not sure if I exceeded last year's mileage or maybe not...but I did sign up for...

a half marathon that I mentioned in my goal. Which in turn has me running 6 miles at one time which I never did before. So I would say I met my goal with signficant strides.

"Pay off some major debt, to do this I will need to never step foot in Target"-Check! Don't get me wrong, I'm not sitting in a pile of money like this woman in the nice picture. But overtime was my middle name this summer and it was sheer will to pay off a chunk of change. I've still got some financial goals to meet but this one was major for me. And now, working no overtime, I don't know how I managed to do all those hours. I forgot how much I like my sleep! (Oh and stepping foot in Target did set me back a time or two)
Due to the overtime required to pay off debt, this goal directly conflicted with the goal to "Balance working and finding time for the things I like to do like reading and scrapbooking." So while I managed to read a book in Mexico, more scrapbooking will be on my 2011 goals list.
However completing my goal of paying off debt has led me to success in "consistently get more sleep." Now that I'm not working as much, I invested in nice dark curtains and a new comforter this year.

"Don't cry every single time I watch Grey's Anatomy"-What is it about this show? It gets me every week and I did not meet my goal with this one. Even when I come close, like 54 minutes in, I think it's such a habit now I can't make it the full 60 minutes without crying. Sheesh.
So out of my 8 Resolutions, I achieved all but not crying during Grey's and not balancing "me" time with work to do things like read and scrapbook. I will take 6 out of 8. Nothing like feeling I can actually accomplish what I set my mind to. Now...what to plan for 2011.
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