-had a wicked computer virus, but also had a wickedly awesome friend at work hook me up with a computer person to help me out. Um, hello those little things called anti-virus programs. My name is Shyla, nice to finally meet you Norton.
-same wickedly awesome friend at work did some looking out for me this week, very much appreciated ; )
-really in the mood to travel. Counting down the 4 months until my cruise. Also kind of want to do a float trip since I've never done one!
-went to a happy hour and actually said to a new person I had met "If you are Team Shyla you are alright in my book." Yep, I went there.
-saw Hangover 2, made me laugh. Do not take the kids.
-Had a hangover. This did not make me laugh.
-learned the key to having Caylea go to the pool with me this summer will actually be having Caylea bring a friend and they both go to the pool with me this summer. Hence, the 2 thirteen year olds sitting in my living room right now. Because Sunday's in the summer I don't mess around. In line to get in at the pool at noon with Sonic drink in hand. Elizabeth will learn the routine tomorrow.
-wondering why when my car is about 2 months away from being paid off I have the overwhelming urge to get a new car?
-more travel urges including a road trip somewhere.
-have realized I've been drinking more lately. I think it's ok though. I mean leaving work early to drink in the afternoon isn't a problem. It's not. (just kidding, well kind of, I did do that, but it was a Friday afternoon and a LONG week!)
-learning all kinds of stuff about my ex that I never knew. Just proves you never really know someone I guess. I missed all kinds of good stories of Snoop Dogg, Good Morning America, barking....it goes on and on.
-speaking of not really knowing someone, I'm kind of losing faith in are there any good ones out there?
-Turned 32. Thanks for facebook for making me feel like people like me.
-With that being said, 30's (despite some crazy roller coaster rides) are much better than 20's
-Grocery shopping at 8pm after drinking since 2 is FUN! I believe the following lines came out of my mouth while shopping "Woohoo, cilantro!" and as I hold the cilantro to my nose walking around the store "OMG this smells SO good!" and "Why is he getting eggs? Are there eggs in guacomole?" response "No Shyla there aren't eggs in guacomole, I think he just likes to eat breakfast sometimes." "Oh that makes sense."
-Same grocery trip was for ingredients for guacomole, which turned out to be THE best guac I've ever had hands down, in my life. And no, just because I had drank all day and only had 3.5 mozzerella sticks consumed thus far that day, didn't change the fact that even sober, this guac is amazing. (the sober guy literally licked the bowl clean. Not even kidding) Amazing smells during the process of him making it with all the fresh stuff he chopped up. I pulled up a seat to the island right in front of the bowl and dug in. Told him that he had officially ruined any other guacomole anywhere else for me. A.maz.ing.
-Texting after drinking is dangerous. Or funny. Or both. I believe one of my texts was "I may be a little tupsy."
-Just realized this post totally makes me sound like a lush. I'm not, I swear. Just a rough, rough week.