"I often hear people say 'I'm not a real runner.' We are all runners, some just faster than others, that's all. I have never met a fake runner." quoted from Bart Yasso who is an author of a book called My Life on the Run. I think he sums that up very nicely.

I got a phone call from the photographer while sitting in my car. I was just about to get out to go get my nails done. Ten minutes later I am off the phone, shoot all planned, and I realized my shirt was a little wet from my stomach sweating, it was hot in the car. Panic officially sets in. I think to myself "Oh my gosh, my stomach sweats a lot when I am on the trail not to mention if I get nervous, it's going to be hot, and my coral colored tank will not hide anything!" Then this morning it hits me, I will just slather myself in deodorant! Worked like a charm. No sweat issues at all!
So I met the photographers at the trail and they were super nice guys and fun to work with. I felt kinda famous having one of the guys hold up one of those big lighting circle things by me to get the light just right. Was nice to be on the trail and not sweat for a change. On the downside it was humid as all get out with no breeze. So my hair did not cooperate. I am nervous about how the pics will turn out hair-wise...but hopefully they will be good. My face also decided now was the time to have a massive break out session. I made a comment about it and the photographer said he could edit that right out, he could fix anything. Wouldn't it be nice if we could edit real life like that?
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