Crazy narrow streets. If I lived here I'd have to have a car with the auto parallel parking feature, I don't know how people did it. 
Colorful buildings

Colorful buildings
Our first port was St. Thomas. Here is Jona and me with a donkey who apparently was named Monica Lewinksy. 
Magen's Bay Beach-Beautiful

Beautiful water in St. Thomas. In St. Thomas we went to Magen's Bay for some relaxing on the beach and did a little shopping. Jewelry is big in St. Thomas. The locals really liked to try to convince you to go into the jewelry stores and if it wasn't that they were trying to get you to take a taxi ride.

Wednesday was our port in Barbados. I don't have many pictures because most of our pictures were taken with Lisa's waterproof camera. Barbados was a lot of fun. We took a catamaran ride and snorkeled with sea turtles.

Magen's Bay Beach-Beautiful
Beautiful water in St. Thomas. In St. Thomas we went to Magen's Bay for some relaxing on the beach and did a little shopping. Jewelry is big in St. Thomas. The locals really liked to try to convince you to go into the jewelry stores and if it wasn't that they were trying to get you to take a taxi ride.
Wednesday was our port in Barbados. I don't have many pictures because most of our pictures were taken with Lisa's waterproof camera. Barbados was a lot of fun. We took a catamaran ride and snorkeled with sea turtles.
Next up was St. Lucia. This was an incredibly beautiful island. 
We did an all day island tour and stopped at a banana plantation.

Cute baby bananas! We all had a banana and they were the most amazing bananas we had ever tasted!

We pulled up to a guy along the road with a snake and some guy in our tour group offered to pay for it if I held it. So something came over me and I did it. Nobody would get out of the van to take my picture so here is my pic taken from the van! :) There in the pic is also our tour guide who was a lot of fun. I got to be the co-pilot and ride in the passenger seat. Which was probably good since it was a lot of twisty, curvy roads. Not sure my stomach could've handled that in the back of the van.

A picture stop with a little rum punch

The Pitons

A rock shaped like a high heel!

We went to an active volcano. This is the sulphur spring, it smelled so AWFUL. Made my stomach roll.

So many pretty things to take pictures of on this island.

The beach in St. Lucia was a little rocky. So we all agreed the island didn't have the best beach but was very beautiful. We had a great time. And I discovered a side effect of the motion sickness patch is blurry vision. Good thing Lisa told me that after I started complaining my eyes were bothering me because by that time I couldn't read the side effect insert that came with the patch! :)
We did an all day island tour and stopped at a banana plantation.
Cute baby bananas! We all had a banana and they were the most amazing bananas we had ever tasted!
We pulled up to a guy along the road with a snake and some guy in our tour group offered to pay for it if I held it. So something came over me and I did it. Nobody would get out of the van to take my picture so here is my pic taken from the van! :) There in the pic is also our tour guide who was a lot of fun. I got to be the co-pilot and ride in the passenger seat. Which was probably good since it was a lot of twisty, curvy roads. Not sure my stomach could've handled that in the back of the van.
A picture stop with a little rum punch
The Pitons
A rock shaped like a high heel!
We went to an active volcano. This is the sulphur spring, it smelled so AWFUL. Made my stomach roll.
So many pretty things to take pictures of on this island.
The beach in St. Lucia was a little rocky. So we all agreed the island didn't have the best beach but was very beautiful. We had a great time. And I discovered a side effect of the motion sickness patch is blurry vision. Good thing Lisa told me that after I started complaining my eyes were bothering me because by that time I couldn't read the side effect insert that came with the patch! :)
This weekend I worked a few hours yesterday then came home and was lazy. Watched Green Lantern with my future husband Ryan Reynolds in it. For some reason I'm having some major insomnia issues lately, so took some Advil PM and called it a night. Woke up today and cleaned the house which was a mess. Then made Jazzie a happy pup when I took her for a walk around the lake. Now just sitting here with a cup of white hot chocolate and thinking I am in the mood to hang out in my scrapbooking room...maybe I will go think up a fun project!
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