Let's throw out some numbers shall we?
13.1-miles I need to be able to get my legs to carry me
1-week from today when I have to make it happen
1-number of days I ran this week (stress pretty much rendered me useless)
2-number of drinks I consumed on Wednesday
3-pounds I lost this week (stress, stress, stress)
3-number of miles I pounded out on the treadmill today
7-number of miles I hoped to pound out on the treadmill today
75.65-number of miles I have ran in the past 6 weeks
130-number of miles my training plan called for me running the past 6 weeks
54.35-number of miles I did not run according to my training plan
5-number of Body Pump classes I attended the past 6 weeks
2-number of long runs in the past 6 weeks
136.49-number of times I have had the frantic thought I am seriously undertrained for this half marathon

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