Now I'm a Taurus. You can find the new line up here.
Gemini traits that I always felt were NOT me:
-Social butterfly
-the life of the party
-disperse energy on different tasks and not focus on one thing (I hate leaving things unfinished)
Gemini traits that I feel do describe me:
-very independent, freedom is essential to their mental well being
-usually want people to think they are always happy and doing wonderfully and stress never affects them
-strong connection to travel
-"Gemini women are so exciting that they are worth the effort, you will remember her forever!" Well of course!
Taurus traits that I feel describe me:
-The color of choice for Taurus is pink!
-faithful friends with great capacity for affection
-if they are provoked can explode into violent outbursts (rare but has happened!)
-has a few close friends as opposed to many acquaintances
-can be shy around strangers
-deeply sensitive, slightest comment or negative remark can be taken personally
-needs order in their life
-likes security in every aspect of their life: love, home, career
-spends a long time on important decisions
-want to finish what you start
-trusts your intuition
-rely on your feelings versus your mind when you try to understand your experiences
So I think I have traits of both signs. The more I read about Gemini online the more some of it fits, but more traits of Taurus seem to fit. Of course the controversy on this is all over the place. My thought is that I will just pick whichever horoscope sounds better that day! It's good to have options!
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