Not on my agenda....returning to Starbucks first thing in the morning where my car sits because it won't start, having it towed to who knows where to pay who knows how much to fix it. I know exactly what the problem is thanks to the internet (internet doesn't lie right?), so hopefully I can convince the mechanic I know what it is and sound like I know what I'm talking about so they don't have to take forever to diagnose it. Think he will believe me if I pull out my blackberry and read what I typed up on my memo pad? :)
Not real pleased that my day off has turned into car maintenance. Not real pleased that my car decided it will no longer start just by me replacing the fuse. Not real pleased that 2 trips to Auto Zone and 4 fuses later car still won't start. I have one fuse left, I'm crossing my fingers that somehow overnight my car will decide it will start up when I try this one last fuse and I can at least drive it to some location versus towing. Also crossing my fingers the car shop will have a loaner car so I can still accomplish a few things tomorrow. But I have a bad feeling that my relaxing day off is going to turn into a stressful day. Should've just worked. Oh yeah, totally feeling sorry for myself. I'll get over it.
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