
Stamina, journaling, coloring, and other randomness

Quotes found once again on this blog.
"Just because you can take it doesn't mean you should. Stamina does not always equate to bliss."

Love love love this one!

It's funny to me how I will run across a quote and it feels like it was just said just for me/my situation. I wonder how we all take the meanings in quotes differently.
I may have said this before but I'm finding blogging somewhat theraputic. It's like a public journal. Which means of course my content is filtered. :) I'm discovering lately I have a zillion thoughts running through my head at once. I have been loving my Blackberry and using it as an electronic journal for my random thoughts. Then I have a journal by my bed which isn't a "write a paragraph" type of journal but just randomness. Then there is my running journal in my purse. So all in all I'm storing/collecting journals all over the place! (so again sorry if I tend to repeat anything...it's multiple-journaling syndrome)
So to summarize the past few days:
-Came home to find the big screen TV gone to a new home.
-Had been looking forward to a long weekend
-Am now working OT all weekend
-Mostly in order to save for a new big TV. Somehow the 19" one just doesn't fit quite right in the living room.
-It's like I went from watching shows in a movie theater to watching shows in the waiting room of a dr's office
-Had a terrible run
-Had a really great run after I could barely muster up the motivation to hit the trail with my pounding headache
-I just reached a point on the trail where I felt the need to stop and walk when this guy runs by me pushing a stroller. His kid says "hi" to me and he says "Good job!" Funny how this comment from a random stranger motivated me to start running again. It was nice.
-Had some deep conversation with a good friend
-I think I got some new "quotes" out of these conversations
-Had this overwhelming urge to buy a coloring book and crayons and color
-Again feeling like I just want to clean and organize everything in the house...the fridge, my jewelry box, the closet, my dresser drawers, the hall closest, Caylea's room, powerwash the house...I could keep going
-Felt like I was teetering on the edge of someone saying just the right thing to push me over and I wouldn't be able to hold in the tears. Came close, but managed to stay on the edge.
-Went to the dentist, hadn't been in a year and had put it off as long as possible. Thought for sure I had lost a filling, nope, no cavities or lost fillings! I did a few fist pumps with a "Yes!" after my dentist told me that. They must not get that reaction much based on the look they gave me. Since I am new to him he doesn't understand my dental woes. My old dentist would've high fived me.
-Been racking my brain to figure out who my new dentist reminds me of. I'm pretty sure it is a cartoon character but I just can't pinpoint it.
-Laying in the dentist chair I told the nurse it would be a much more enjoyable experience if the chair were a massaging chair. May make poking around in the mouth a bit trickier but would be enjoyable none the less.
-Now I am off to paint my toes hot pink. No pedicures till I pay for a new big screen!

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